On Tuesday 02 May I had a rendezvous with renowned type designer Jean François Porchez at the Porchez Typofonderie studio in Sèvres just outside Paris. |
One of the most public projects that Jean François has been involved with was the design of a custom typeface for the Paris Métro. The typeface, Parisine, appears almost exclusively throughout the Paris Métro. What is involved in the design development of a new typeface? |
Jean François described the computer as being a perfectly suitable tool with which to begin designing. Why not? The computer appeared to be a perfect extension of his mind (via hand) with no need to add other layers to the process. The complete process Jean François pursues is a curious and inspiring amalgam of typographic archaeology, intensive aesthetic exploration and a highly specialised handling of technology. Jean François offered me fascinating insights into the hermetic world of typeface design. Merci Jean François. |
Marco in Europe 27 April 2006 09 May 2006 28 May 2006 19 June 2006 31 July 2006 25 August 2006 13 October 2006 18 November 2006 |
Selections Jean François Porchez Reims ESAD Christophe Jacquet |
More selections JFP 01/02 JFP 02/02 |