On Tuesday 02 May I had a rendezvous with renowned type designer Jean François Porchez at the Porchez Typofonderie studio in Sèvres just outside Paris.

The studio space had all the requisite technology one would expect in any design studio with the electronic drawing tablets being the only obvious indication that it was a specialised workspace. Jean François works exclusively on type design projects and the Porchez Typofonderie was founded as an independent digital type foundry to design and manufacture high quality typefaces.

One of the most public projects that Jean François has been involved with was the design of a custom typeface for the Paris Métro. The typeface, Parisine, appears almost exclusively throughout the Paris Métro. What is involved in the design development of a new typeface?

Unlike many of his contemporaries Jean François rarely begins designing his letterforms with hand sketching or drafting techniques. He was hard pressed to find any hand sketches at all and the few samples he did locate were certainly not the exhaustive exercises one might expect – a few jottings made during telephone conversations.

Jean François described the computer as being a perfectly suitable tool with which to begin designing. Why not? The computer appeared to be a perfect extension of his mind (via hand) with no need to add other layers to the process.

The complete process Jean François pursues is a curious and inspiring amalgam of typographic archaeology, intensive aesthetic exploration and a highly specialised handling of technology.

Jean François offered me fascinating insights into the hermetic world of typeface design.

Merci Jean François.
Marco in Europe
27 April 2006
09 May 2006
28 May 2006
19 June 2006
31 July 2006
25 August 2006
13 October 2006
18 November 2006
Jean François Porchez
Reims ESAD
Christophe Jacquet
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JFP 01/02
JFP 02/02