The last few weeks have brought to mind an aphorism of Leonardo Da Vinci. «Iron rusts from disuse; stagnant water loses its purity and in cold weather becomes frozen; even so does inaction sap the vigour of the mind.» While my circumstances are not quite as dire as this aphorism might suggest, I am still anxiously awaiting news regarding my immigration status. This predicament has discombobulated me and I feel I have become a trifle magniloquent in consequence. Aye! |
It would be euphemistic for me to describe this predicament as merely frustrating in fact many unmentionable expletives come to mind with ease. |
Despite the tedium of waiting, the last month or so has had its share of excitement. I have settled in yet another apartment and have enjoyed exploring the surrounding areas. I have become somewhat accustomed to this transience and have found it to offer a curious pleasure it has been fascinating to observe different domestic situations and they have offered me an interesting perspective of Berlin and the various lifestyles of its inhabitants. A few weeks ago I enjoyed a short sojourn on the island of Rügen. It felt great to be on the move again and it was wonderful to smell the sea. Marco in Purgatory 13 October 2006 |
Marco in Europe 27 April 2006 09 May 2006 28 May 2006 19 June 2006 31 July 2006 25 August 2006 13 October 2006 18 November 2006 |
Selections Anschlaege Double Standards Film und Gestaltung Fons Hickmann |