Andrew (Ashton) and I had often wondered why type designers had not tackled the issue of designing a ligature for the world wide web initials. Why did such a ligature not appear in any PTF typefaces?

Jean François explained that from a technology point of view a world wide web ligature would interfere with hypertext links within electronic documents. Regarding printed documents he expressed a concern that a ligature had the potential to cause confusion for end users.

Jean François went on to explain that special characters in general have the potential to confuse end users.

He suggested that using ligatures in email addresses is potentially confusing. Regarding French email addresses it was interesting to learn that all accented characters have their accents removed because accented characters are not included in the ASCII character set.

The conversation about functionality and usability led to a navigation of the very peculiar layout of the Macintosh French keyboard. The pitfalls were absurdly fascinating with the most alarming oddity being the multiple keystroke required to access a period. Merde! Apparently a semicolon is more important to access than a period.

Marco in Europe
27 April 2006
09 May 2006
28 May 2006
19 June 2006
31 July 2006
25 August 2006
13 October 2006
18 November 2006
Jean François Porchez
Reims ESAD
Christophe Jacquet
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JFP 01/02
JFP 02/02