Much of the work that Christophe showed me was loaded with meta-reference. There is a self-reflexive element to his work that is most clearly manifested as evidence of process. Christophe handles this self-reflexivity deftly and his aesthetics are a delicately handled expression of his intellectual leanings.

His drive to create is relentless. He has completed a number of self-initiated projects one of which is a self authored monograph. It is not a review of past work but an ambitious publication containing specifically new content. Christophe explained that other self-initiated projects were motivated by sheer humour and frivolity.

Christophe has created a deeply personal and intellectually stimulating body of work that has his signature writ large. His intensity and resolve are inspiring.

Merci Christophe.

Marco in Europe
27 April 2006
09 May 2006
28 May 2006
19 June 2006
31 July 2006
25 August 2006
13 October 2006
18 November 2006
Jean François Porchez
Reims ESAD
Christophe Jacquet
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TOFFE 01/02
TOFFE 02/02