Berlin has offered up an abundance of sonic and visual delights with Sonambiente Berlin 2006. This festival for hearing and seeing celebrates a variety of artistic disciplines.

The exhibition space at Tesla held a number of interesting works including a mesmerising installation created by Carsten Nicolai and an exciting pneumatic sound field created by Edwin van der Heide.

Tesla also held an interesting exhibition of graphic notation systems designed by students from the University of Leipzig.

This engaging project was overseen by Carsten Nicolai of Raster Noton and Daniela Haufe and Detlef Fiedler of Cyan. The graphic notation systems were visual representations of electronic music tracks previously published by Raster Noton. The results were presented as individual large format documents with the respective audio available for listening via headphones. The outcomes were intricate linear visualisations mapping the music in meticulous detail.

The Volkbühne theatre offered a festival highlight with the screening of new film works by Nina Fischer and Maroan al Sani. The film screening was accompanied by live electronics and percussion performed by Robert Lippock and Johann von Schubert respectively. The films were minimal double projections with a delicate sense of melancholy and mystery.

I look forward to exploring more of the festival events and exhibition spaces over the coming weeks.
Marco in Europe
27 April 2006
09 May 2006
28 May 2006
19 June 2006
31 July 2006
25 August 2006
13 October 2006
18 November 2006