On Tuesday 22 August I had a meeting with Christian Lagé at his studio Anschlaege – Christian founded the studio together with Axel Watzke and Steffen Schuhmann in the final years of their university education.

My initial impression regarding my visit to Anschlaege was the fact that the studio was not located in central Berlin – it is situated in the residential suburb of Lichtenberg. On approach I thought the building was the maintenance office for the surrounding housing development. As it turned out the building was in fact a disused Kindergarten.

At the time of my visit the building was in the process of being transformed into an assortment of studio spaces – a collective home for a diverse community of creative practitioners including visual artists, fashion designers and photographers.

One of the distinctive characteristics of Anschlaege is the spirited drive the studio founders share for self-initiation. Over the last few years the studio has successfully conceived and developed a number of different actions. These actions have involved a variety of radical social interventions and have exposed a complex and fascinating variety of social concerns.

The 2002 Dosto action sought to energise and remodel an unoccupied prefab housing block in the outskirts of Berlin in Hellersdorf. At the time these housing blocks suffered average vacancy rates of 19 percent. The housing block was occupied and transformed by a small international community comprising representatives from a variety of creative disciplines. Over the course of three months the housing block was transformed into a unique international multifunctional space. The Dosto action amplified the housing crisis and prompted a call to action.
Marco in Europe
27 April 2006
09 May 2006
28 May 2006
19 June 2006
31 July 2006
25 August 2006
13 October 2006
18 November 2006
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Anschlaege 01/02
Anschlaege 02/02